舒適 (Comfort) 與安靜 (Quietness)

展現車輛舒適性的三項主要因素,分別是噪音 (noise)、振動 (vibration) 及路感 (harshness) (NVH),噪音是指嘈雜和不想聽到的聲音,振動是指引擎、輪胎傳遞的振動。路感是指由於路面高低差,從方向盤、座椅、底盤感受到的振動。因此,可利用阻尼 (damping) 技術評估阻尼特性,以提高舒適性。
此外,用於汽車內飾的材料必須符合 VOC 及其他內飾環保法規。與氣味有關的車內舒適度也受到重視,開始量化車輛行駛中的乘坐舒適度 (基於感官評估)。
Evaluating Durability of Steering Mechanisms for Automobiles in Three Axes
The steering wheel in an automobile requires high durability. Since the arm strength of drivers varies greatly, many vehicles are fitted with complex power-assisted mechanisms. On the other hand, luxury cars and sports cars demand specifications that can achieve a premium, high-quality feel when they are being driven, and with this diversification of new requirements, there is a growing need for quantification in addition to human evaluations.
Judgment of the Acceptance of Light Shielding Films for Automobiles
In the transportation equipment industry, UV-VIS spectrophotometers are used for determining the ultraviolet and visible light transmittance of window glass, but they are also used to judge the quality of materials.
Here, using a commercial light-shielding film for automobiles as an example, the automated determination of pass or fail using the spectral evaluation function is introduced.
Photocatalysts generate oxidative power on their surface when light shines on them, and they are thought to be environmental purification materials that can remove harmful substances, such as organic compounds and bacteria, that they come into contact with. Therefore, photocatalysts are used not only to reduce smells and contamination in vehicle interiors, but are expected to be used for antibacterial and antiviral measures. The effect of photocatalysts depends on the properties of the material used and its dimensions and shape, so there is a demand for effective measurement of their optical properties and particle size distributions. Also, evaluation of the electrical properties in the reaction processes is effective for understanding photocatalyst reactions.
In-Situ Measurements Using a Light Irradiation of Semiconductor Photocatalysts