一直以來,石油產品中的硫含量持續被調整,其主要目的是為了減少化石燃料燃燒期間,大氣中的二氧化硫 (SO2) 以及其他硫氧化物的排放。過量的二氧化硫對人類健康有負面影響,特別是呼吸系統以及導致酸雨形成。目前大氣中二氧化硫的主要來源是化石燃料中的硫,以及自然產生之火山中的硫排放。為了降低大氣中的二氧化硫,各種組織和政府已對燃料中的硫含量實行了越來越嚴格的限制,而國際海事組織 (IMO) 於 2020 年制定法規,將船用燃料中的硫含量限制從原本的 3.5%降低為 0.5%。
能量色散 X 射線螢光 (EDXRF) 具有直接檢測和無需樣品前處理的方便性,島津 EDX 是分析硫的首選方法。
ASTM D4294 和 ISO 8754 對石油和石油產品的硫分析
此次實驗利用 Shimadzu EDX-7000 的特色,以符合 ASTM D4294 和 ISO 8754 的要求。
Table 1:Method specification and actual operating parameters.
Specification | ASTM D4294 Requirement |
ISO 8754 Requirement |
Actual Measurement Condition |
Temperature | Not Specified | Not Specified | Room temperature (25 ℃) |
Humidity | Not Specified | Not Specified | Normal Ambient Condition (~50 % RH) |
Atmospheric Pressure | Not Specified | Not Specified | Normal Ambient Condition |
Warm-up Time | "Whenever possible the instrument is left on…" | "Continuously Switched On" | ≧15 minutes |
Sample Film | Polyester, Polypropylene, Polycarbonate, Polyimide films, "usually<10 µm" | "Normally 6 µm polyester, polypropylene, or polycarbonate" | 5 µm Polypropylene |
Atmosphere | Air and Helium | Not Specified | Ambient Air and Helium (99.999 % purity) |
Analysis Time | 100 to 300 seconds, concentration dependent | Not Specified | 100 to 200 seconds, concentration dependent |
- 依照島津 EDX 儀器特點與條件,把標準品濃度做兩種條件區分:
大氣模式→500 ppm 以上作測試;氦氣模式→50 ppm 以上作測試。 - 根據 ASTM D4294 的要求,同樣操作者使用同一機型連續分析 20 次的重覆性:
- A.樣品為基底油時:𝑟=0.4347 × 𝑆0.6446
- B.樣品為柴油時:𝑟=1.6658 × 𝑆0.3300
S=sulfur concentration in mg/kg total sulfur.
Table 2:Results for repeatability (r) testing based on ASTM D4294 criteria.
Test | Sample | Conc. | Count Time (sec) |
Method Criterion (ppm) |
Result in Air (ppm) |
% RSD | Result in He (ppm) |
% RSD |
Repeatability | Base Oil | 50 ppm | 300 | 5.4 | - | - | 5.0 | 2.89 |
Repeatability | Base Oil | 100 ppm | 200 | 8.5 | - | - | 7.1 | 2.08 |
Repeatability | Base Oil | 500 ppm | 200 | 24 | 16 | 0.89 | 12 | 0.71 |
Repeatability | Base Oil | 0.5 wt. % | 100 | 105 | 64 | 0.29 | 44 | 0.26 |
Repeatability | Base Oil | 4.0 wt. % | 100 | 405 | 257 | 0.17 | 159 | 0.12 |
Repeatability | Diesel | 100 ppm | 200 | 7.6 | - | - | 5.2 | 1.29 |
Repeatability | Base Oil | 500 ppm | 100* | 24 | 23 | 1.26 | 13.5 | 0.72 |
Repeatability | Base Oil | 0.5 wt. % | 50* | 105 | 80 | 0.35 | 41 | 0.22 |
Repeatability | Base Oil | 4.0 wt. % | 50* | 402 | 220 | 0.19 | 91 | 0.12 |
*Analysis performed more rapidly than specified in method for given concentration.
Note:Samples represented by dashes (-) are more amenable to analysis with helium atmosphere.
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- 根據 ASTM D4294 的要求,不同操作者使用同一機型在不同實驗室連續分析 20 次的再現性:
- A.樣品為基底油時:𝑅=1.9182 × 𝑆0.6446
- B.樣品為柴油時:𝑅=1.6658 × 𝑆0.3300
S=sulfur concentration in mg/kg total sulfur.
Table 3:Results for reproducibility (R) testing based on ASTM D4294 criteria.
Test | Sample | Conc. | Count Time (sec) |
Method Criterion (ppm) |
Result (ppm) in Air |
% RSD | Result (ppm) in He |
% RSD |
Reproducibility | Base Oil | 50 ppm | 300 | 24 | - | - | 5.4 | 2.44 |
Reproducibility | Base Oil | 500 ppm | 200 | 105 | 31 | 1.00 | 12 | 0.43 |
Reproducibility | Base Oil | 4.0 wt. % | 200 | 1776 | 388 | 0.25 | 667 | 0.09 |
Reproducibility | Diesel | 100 ppm | 200 | 41 | - | - | 17 | 1.85 |
Note:Samples represented by dashes (-) are more amenable to analysis with helium atmosphere.
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- 根據 ISO 8754 的要求,同樣操作者使用同一機型連續分析 20 次的重覆性:
- A.當硫濃度大於 0.03%,小於 0.05%時:𝑟=0.045 × (𝑆+0.05)
- B.當硫濃度超過 0.05%,小於 0.5%時:𝑟=0.0215 × (𝑆+0.15)
S=sulfur concentration in g/100 g total sulfur.
Table 4:Results for repeatability (r) testing based on ISO 8754 criteria.
Test | Sample | Conc. | Count Time (sec) |
Method Criterion (ppm) |
Result in Air (ppm) |
% RSD |
Repeatability | Base Oil | 0.03 wt. % | 200 | 36 | 19 | 1.12 |
Repeatability | Base Oil | 0.05 wt. % | 200 | 45 | 23 | 1.23 |
Repeatability | Base Oil | 0.2 wt. % | 100 | 75 | 35 | 0.28 |
Repeatability | Base Oil | 1.0 wt. % | 100 | 247 | 100 | 0.15 |
Repeatability | Base Oil | 4.0 wt. % | 100 | 892 | 315 | 0.18 |
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- 根據 ISO 8754 的要求,不同操作者使用同一機型在不同實驗室連續分析 20 次的再現性:
- A.當硫濃度大於 0.03%,小於 0.05%時:𝑅=0.1781 × (𝑆+0.05)
- B.當硫濃度超過 0.05%,小於 0.5%時:𝑅=0.0812 × (𝑆+0.15)
S=sulfur concentration in g/100 g total sulfur.
Table 5:Results for reproducibility (R) testing based on ISO 8754 criteria.
Test | Sample | Conc. | Count Time (sec) |
Method Criterion (ppm) |
Result (ppm) in Air |
% RSD |
Reproducibility | Base Oil | 0.03 wt. % | 200 | 143 | 38 | 0.99 |
Reproducibility | Base Oil | 4.0 wt. % | 100 | 3370 | 464 | 0.10 |
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