Quick-DB Forensic is a GC/MS/MS database for forensic toxicological analysis that includes information for the sample preparation analysis and data processing of 68 toxicological drug components common in toxicology cases.
On-Column Derivatization GC-MS System - 配備選項
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Quick-DB Forensic is a GC/MS/MS database for forensic toxicological analysis that includes information for the sample preparation analysis and data processing of 68 toxicological drug components common in toxicology cases.
AOC-20 系列是自動化分析的完美解決方案。
GCMS-TQ™8050 NX 採用新型高效檢測器和三重降噪技術,可實現毫微微克 (femtogram, fg) 級的定量分析。
Shimadzu GCMS-TQ™8040 NX 是第一款具有「Smart Productivity」的三重四極桿氣相層析質譜儀,可實現更高效率的樣品分析,「Smart Operation」可實現更快速簡便的方法開發,以及「Smart Performance」可實現更低的偵測極限,且同時執行 Scan/MRM 掃描模式。
GCMS-QP2020 NX 智能且易維護的設計,不只提供實驗室最好的分析效率,對於環境污染監測、法醫學和材料科學等領域,更可提供絕佳的實驗成果。