Smart Pesticides Database - 規格

Database for GC-MS and GC-MS/MS

Product Contents

Database le, method les, LabSolutions Insight damlp le, report format les

Number of Pesticides Registered to the Database

For GC-MS (Scan/SIM modes) 474 compounds (317 for Scan mode, 157 for SIM mode)
For GC-MS/MS (MRM mode) 491 compounds

Applicable Instruments

GC/MS GCMS-TQ8050 NX, GCMS-TQ8050, GCMS-TQ8040 NX, GCMS-TQ8040, GCMS-QP2020 NX, GCMS-QP2020, GCMS-QP2010 Ultra
GC/MS Workstation GCMSsolution™ (Ver. 4.41 or later) + LabSolutions Insight (Ver. 2.00 or later)


Column 1 SH-Rxi™-5Sil MS 30 m×0.25 mmI.D., df=0.25 mm (P/N 221-75954-30)
Column 2 SH-Rtx™-200MS 30 m×0.25 mmI.D., df=0.25 mm (P/N 221-75954-30)
Insert liner Topaz Liner Splitless Single Taper Gooseneck w/Wool, P/N 23336 (Restek)
Internal standard PL Pesticide Surrogate standards Mix I, II (P/N 99056136, 99056191) (Hayashi Pure Chemical Ind., Ltd.)

This product was created based on results obtained by the Aichi Science and Technology Foundation "Knowledge Hub" Priority Research Project and Food Safety & Security Technology Development Project.

  • The accuracy of the information contained in the database and the usefulness of information obtained as a result of the use of this information is not guaranteed.
  • Be sure to test the qualitative and quantitative information obtained with this system using a standard sample for confirmation.
  • To reliably identify substances registered with this database, perform measurement using the system requirements of the method file included with the product.

Smart Pesticides Database Ver. 2


For residual pesticide analysis
Smart Pesticides Database

No. of compounds registered

MRM: 530
SIM: 530

Title Number of Pesticides Registered to the Database

Table Title Number of Pesticides Registered to the Database

For GC-MS (Scan/SIM modes)

474 compounds (317 for Scan mode, 157 for SIM mode)

For GC-MS/MS (MRM mode)

491 compounds

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