TOC-L Series - 規格

TOC-L Series 總有機碳分析儀


TOC-L 系列提供比受歡迎的 TOC-V 系列更好的功能和操作性。此外,透過採用新選配件,例如適用於小容量樣品的套件,和高鹽分樣品燃燒管套件,可進一步增強應用。

測量範圍 CSH/CPH TC:4 μg/L - 25,000 mg/L TC:4 μg/L - 30,000 mg/L
IC:4 μg/L - 30,000 mg/L IC:4 μg/L - 35,000 mg/L
TN:5 μg/L - 4,000 mg/L TN:5 μg/L - 10,000 mg/L
CSN/CPN TC:50 μg/L - 25,000 mg/L TC:50 μg/L - 30,000 mg/L
IC:4 μg/L - 3,000 mg/L IC:4 μg/L - 3,000mg/L
TN:20 μg/L - 4,000 mg/L TN:20 μg/L - 10,000 mg/L
使用自動進樣器時的優先水樣 Common None Yes (maximum of 30 second reduction per sample with 3 measurements, Note 1)
COD / BOD 轉換 Common Function available (TOC-VCSH/CSNonly) Function available (all models)
內建 LCD CSH/CSN Black and white TFT color
資料儲存格式及數量(獨立型號) CSH/CSN

Measurement results: For 200 samples, average values only
Calibration curve: 25 max.

Measurement results: For 2,000 samples or more, all measurement results and peak data
Calibration curve: 60 max.
儲存的資料輸出(獨立型號) CSH/CSN Not available Capable of output to a USB memory stick
印表機 CSH/CSN Built-in printer (thermal) Capable of using a PC USB printer (sold separately)
支援確效 CPH/CPN
(PC software)
None Yes
PC 連接 Common RS232C USB
載氣問題偵測器 Common None Function available
Common Approx. 20,000 Wh Approx. 12,700 Wh (36 % reduction)
外形尺寸、重量 Common TOC main unit:
W440 x D525 x H460 mm,Approx. 40 kg
TN unit added:
W600 x D525 x H460 mm, Approx. 48 kg
TOC main unit:
W340 x D660 x H480 mm,Approx. 35 kg
TOC main unit:
W340 x D660 x H480 mm, Approx. 35 kg
自動進樣器蓋 Common Fitted cover With a two-part cover, adding vials is simplified
小樣品測量配件 CSH/CPH None (sample consumption: 8 mL for 3 measurements) Yes (sample consumption: 5 mL for 3 measurements)
高鹽樣品燃燒管配件 Common None Yes
高鹽樣品用鹵素洗滌器(B型鹵素洗滌器 Common No option available Option available

註 1) 測量條件:每份樣品 3 次 NPOC 測量。測量 20 份樣品時,每份樣品的平均測量時間比較。

註 2) 在每天 8 小時,每週 5 天使用條件下的整合功率消耗比較。

相較於 TOC-5000 系列的改進

TOC-L 系列採用島津開發的 680°C 催化燃燒氧化法,目前已在全球廣泛使用。在提供 4 μg/L 至 30,000 mg/L 超寬範圍的情況下,這些分析儀仍可透過與 NDIR 配合,達到 4 μg/L 的偵測極限。這是使用催化燃燒氧化方法可達到的最高偵測靈敏度。此外,催化燃燒氧化方法不僅能有效率氧化易分解的低分子量有機化合物,也能氧化難以分解、不可溶和大分子有機化合物。

測量範圍 4μg/L to 4,000mg/L 4 μg/L to 30,000 mg/L
(significantly extended thanks to the automatic dilution function)
自動稀釋 None Yes, the dilution function can reduce the sample acidity, alkalinity, and salinity, extending the period of use of catalysts and combustion tube.
10.5 minutes, sample fractionated into vials -> acid added -> sample set -> conditions set -> measurement 6.4 minutes (approx. 40 % reduction), sample set -> conditions set -> measurement
IC預處理 Sparging only, automated treatment outside the analyzer Both the addition of acid and sparging performed automatically inside the analyzer
沖洗水 None, replacement rinsing by sample (rinsing with sample ) only Yes, capable of replacement rinsing by sample
(rinsing with sample), and cleaning by rinsing water (also used as dilution water)
COD / BOD 轉換 Function not available Function not available
Total nitrogen measurement Not available Available with TNM-L (option);
capable of simultaneous TOC and TN measurement
內建 LCD Black and white TFT color (TOC-LCSH, TOC-LCSN)
Accuracy control function None Available with PC-controlled model
ER/ES None Available with PC-controlled model
(ER/ES: Electronic record / electronic signature)
資料儲存格式及數量 Measurement results: 200 sample average values can be saved All measurement results including peak data for 2,000 or more samples, as well as up to 60 calibration curves (TOC-LCSH)
儲存的資料輸出 Not available Capable of output to a USB memory stick (TOC-LCSH)
NDIR 強度調節 Required Not required (automatic adjustment)
載氣問題偵測器 Function not available Function available
主機尺寸、重量 W480×D500×H480mm,Approx.46kg W340×D660×H480mm,Approx.35kg
自動進樣器樣品瓶 ASI-5000A:5mL×78,42mL×16 (as well as STD 8), special vials used ASI-L:9mL×93,24mL×93,40mL×68,
Commercially-available vials used
Simple autosampler None set 8 samples can be set as standard, and up to 16 samples can be set with the unit added. Special vials are not needed, and water samples can be measured as is in their collection bottles.
高鹽樣品用鹵素淨化器(B型鹵素淨化器) No option available Option available



High-sensitivity model

Operation method


Measurement method

680°C catalytic combustion oxidation – non-dispersive infrared detection
(NDIR) method

Measurement items

TO, IC, TOC, NPOC (Optional: POC, TN)

Measurement range TC

TC 0 to 30,000 mg/L

Measurement range IC

0 to 35,000 mg/L

Detection limit

4 µg/L




High-sensitivity model

Operation method


Measurement method

680°C catalytic combustion oxidation – non-dispersive infrared detection (NDIR) method

Measurement items

TO, IC, TOC, NPOC (Optional: POC, TN)

Measurement range TC

TC 0 to 30,000 mg/L

Measurement range IC

0 to 35,000 mg/L

Detection limit

4 µg/L




Standard model

Operation method


Measurement method

680°C catalytic combustion oxidation – non-dispersive infrared detection (NDIR) method

Measurement items

TO, IC, TOC, NPOC (Optional: POC, TN)

Measurement range TC

TC 0 to 30,000 mg/L

Measurement range IC

0 to 3,000 mg/L

Detection limit

50 µg/L




Standard model

Operation method


Measurement method

680°C catalytic combustion oxidation – non-dispersive infrared detection (NDIR) method

Measurement items

TO, IC, TOC, NPOC (Optional: POC, TN)

Measurement range TC

TC 0 to 30,000 mg/L

Measurement range IC

0 to 3,000 mg/L

Detection limit

50 µg/L

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